Before we left DHS we visited some very interesting places. The White Water Reserve and trout farm. The rocks and ground were all white. There was a clear stream coming out of the mountains. There used to be a fish hatchery which is now gone but they have kept the pond and fish. We walked around some trails, then came back and had lunch beside the fish pond. The grounds were beautiful and the water was very clear with an emerald green background.
We then took a day and went down to Borrego Springs. This is a famous place because when nature and everything meshes, the whole area is filled with desert wild flowers. The computer newsletters said “last week of February or first of March. So one day in the first week of March, we packed a lunch and picked up Korkie and off we went. Well because of more than usual rain and cooler weather than normal, the flowers had not completely come out, however we got a map at the Visitors Center and off we went to explore. On one of the roads on the map, on the left hand side, with no signs or anything there were a line of metal figures. We stopped to see what was there. A line of steel figures of men about 10- ft high. They were working the wine vineyards. They were beautiful. We were on a side of a field. Korkie, for some reason would not get out of the car. One other car was there, and the person said, “Look over there, there is more.” So we got into the car and went to the other side of the field. Amazing steel animals were there. When we parked, Korkie in the back seat started to growl. He then jumped out of the car and went to attack the camel and baby. In the picture, you can see him in the picture in the lower left hand corner. After a while, he must have realized it was a statue. He got real quiet and wanted to get back into the car and on his blanket. What an amazing sight.
We pulled out of DHS on March 12; we had planned on leaving on the 11th. However when Bob turned the ignition key on the RV, nothing happened. A problem had developed and it took a day to fix. Our neighbors and good friends gave us a wonderful “Farewell dinner” on the 10th. We will be back we all promised each other.
DHS has heavy winds that come thru now and then. Lots of windmills are there for a reason! On the day we pulled out, the weather was breezy but nice. Off we went. We were on Hwy 15 in the Mohave Desert, Palmdale area. The winds were wild. The RV shook. Bob had both hands on the steering wheel. It was scary. Our small awning kept coming out. We couldn’t stop, where would we go? Found out later, the winds were up to 65 miles an hour. We finally made it to one of our favorite camp sites, Orange Grove RV Park in Bakersfield. It was a very hard, long scary drive. We were both exhaustive. The Orange Grove RV Park is on Hwy 58, east of Bakersfield. It is in the middle of a working orange groove. It is an overnight stopping place for the snowbirds. During the day there are approximate 6 RV’s in the park. Starting around 2:00 PM and until around 6:00, there is a steady line of RV’s checking in. The park is filled. In the AM they all drive off. If you are here in December or January they supply pickers and you can pick your own oranges.
The next day from Bakersfield to Pleasanton was a piece of cake. A nice drive. The scenery was nice, so very green.
In Pleasanton, we had medical appointments lined up. Also Bob had to renew his driver license due in June and then there were the tax stuff to do. I filled in a few days at Altamont Mfg in the office. Lots of changes going on at Altamont Mfg. The front office is now an inspection and clean room. They are now moving into the Bio Tech industry. The shop is becoming a very interesting place. We had some good visits with family and saw some good friends.
We spent Easter Week end in Yuba City to be with Bob’s brother Bill and Joann. He got to see Uncle Jack who was in very good form. Janelle, Jeremy and the boys were also there. I was down with a cold so I missed the dinner.
We were lucky to be in the area to attend Granddaughter Nicole and Dave’s Engagement Party. A lovely evening held at Lynda and Bill’s home. The evening was nice and warm. The food and decorations were done by their good friends, Philix and Roschknee. A nice mixture of family, good friends and people from work. Rob, Nicole’s dad, who lives in Round Rock TX, had said “no, he could not make it.” Then as a surprise, he flew in, Rick picked him up and he showed up at the party! They had come by in the afternoon, so we were in on the secret. Nicole was very happy. It was a wonderful party. The wedding is scheduled for September, 2011.
Our glass cupboard is made for short glasses. We had decided after some broken glass that we would stick with acrylic glasses. However, acrylic short wine glasses are hard to find. Our good friends in DHS had given a beautiful set, however they were tall. After my complaints of too high and hard to fit, Bob decided to fix them! He cut the stem down, got some acrylic glue. They are perfect!!!
In addition, the floor in the bath and under the sink had old carpet which we had tossed and then found out there was hardwood underneath. Kind of dented, scarred and water stained but hardwood floors! So he sanded, stained then re sanded and stained several times then finally sealed. They are beautiful now.
We left Pleasanton on Tuesday, April 14. Headed to Bakersfield and Orange Grove Park. The orange blossoms are in bloom and the smell is wonderful!
We are on our way to Barstow to start our trek on Route 66. We have several books, maps and a movie telling us what all to see. We will be taking it as far as Missouri or maybe longer!